France market map

World’s 7th largest economy
France is the world’s 7th-largest economy and the third-largest in the Europe. It is a member of the G20, which represents the 20 major economies of the world. The French economy is diverse and complex, with a mix of modern and traditional sectors.

France has a strong agricultural sector, which accounts for a significant portion of its GDP. The country is one of the largest producers of wheat, wine, and other agricultural products in the world. It also has a significant manufacturing sector, which includes a wide range of industries such as automotive, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and luxury goods.

France has a well-developed service sector, which includes tourism, financial services, and other professional services. The country is home to a number of major multinational companies and is a hub for international trade and investment.

As of 2021, France’s GDP was approximately $2.9 trillion, making it the world’s sixth-largest economy. The country has a mixed economy, with a significant agricultural sector, a large manufacturing sector, and a well-developed service sector.

France’s GDP per capita, which measures the average income of a person in the country, was approximately $47,000 in 2021. This is relatively high compared to many other countries, reflecting France’s high standard of living and strong economy.

In recent years, France’s GDP has grown at a relatively slow pace, with an average annual growth rate of around 1%. This has been due in part to a number of economic challenges, including slow global economic growth, high unemployment, and rising public debt. However, the government has implemented a number of structural reforms in an effort to improve the country’s competitiveness and stimulate growth.

France Market by industry

France is a diverse and complex economy with a mix of modern and traditional sectors. Here is a breakdown of the main industries in France and their contribution to GDP in 2021, based on data from the World Bank:

  • Services – This includes a wide range of industries such as finance, healthcare, education, and tourism. Services account for the largest share of GDP in France, comprising around 70% of the total.
  • Manufacturing – This includes industries such as automotive, aerospace, and pharmaceuticals. Manufacturing accounts for around 20% of France’s GDP.
  • Agriculture – This includes the production of crops and livestock. Agriculture accounts for around 2% of France’s GDP.
  • Energy – This includes the production and distribution of electricity, natural gas, and other forms of energy. The energy sector accounts for around 3% of France’s GDP.
  • Construction – This includes the construction of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure. The construction sector accounts for around 5% of France’s GDP.

It’s important to note that these are just general estimates and the specific mix of industries can vary from year to year.

France Market - Employment

Here is a breakdown of the main industries in France and the percentage of employment in each sector in 2021, based on data from the World Bank:

  • Services – This includes a wide range of industries such as finance, healthcare, education, and tourism. Services account for the largest share of employment in France, comprising around 75% of the total.
  • Manufacturing – This includes industries such as automotive, aerospace, and pharmaceuticals. Manufacturing accounts for around 10% of employment in France.
  • Agriculture – This includes the production of crops and livestock. Agriculture accounts for around 2% of employment in France.
  • Energy – This includes the production and distribution of electricity, natural gas, and other forms of energy. The energy sector accounts for around 2% of employment in France.
  • Construction – This includes the construction of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure. The construction sector accounts for around 6% of employment in France.

It’s important to note that these are just general estimates and the specific mix of industries can vary from year to year.

IT Industry

The information technology (IT) industry is a significant contributor to the economy of France. It includes a wide range of activities, such as the development and production of software, hardware, and telecommunications equipment.

France has a well-developed IT sector and is home to a number of major international IT companies, including Airbus, Atos, and Capgemini. The country is also a hub for start-ups and is known for its innovative and entrepreneurial culture.

In 2021, the IT industry in France was estimated to account for around 5% of the country’s GDP and around 4% of employment. The sector is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for digital services and the rapid pace of technological change.

France is also a leader in research and development (R&D) in the IT sector, with a number of world-class universities and research institutions that are actively engaged in cutting-edge research. The country is home to a number of major research and development centers focused on IT and related fields, including the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).


The information technology (IT) industry in France offers a range of opportunities for professionals and companies. Some of the key opportunities in the French IT sector include:

  • Innovative start-ups: France is home to a thriving start-up ecosystem and is known for its innovative and entrepreneurial culture. There are many opportunities for professionals and companies to get involved in the development and growth of new IT businesses in the country.
  • Major international companies: France is home to a number of major international IT companies, including Airbus, Atos, and Capgemini. These companies offer a range of career opportunities for professionals with expertise in fields such as software development, hardware engineering, and telecommunications.
  • Research and development (R&D): France is a leader in R&D in the IT sector, with a number of world-class universities and research institutions that are actively engaged in cutting-edge research. There are many opportunities for professionals and companies to get involved in R&D projects in the country.
  • Digital transformation: The ongoing digital transformation of the economy is creating new opportunities for IT professionals and companies in France. There is increasing demand for expertise in fields such as data analytics, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.
  • Government initiatives: The French government is actively supporting the development of the IT sector and has implemented a number of initiatives to encourage innovation and growth. There are many opportunities for professionals and companies to get involved in these initiatives.


Like any industry, the information technology (IT) sector in France faces a number of challenges. Some of the key challenges facing the French IT industry include:

  • Talent shortage: There is a growing demand for skilled IT professionals in France, but the supply of qualified candidates is limited. This can make it challenging for companies to find and hire the talent they need to grow and succeed.
  • Competition from other countries: France is home to a number of major international IT companies, but it faces strong competition from other countries, particularly in Asia and the United States. This can make it challenging for French companies to compete globally.
  • Regulatory challenges: The IT sector is subject to a range of regulations, including data privacy laws and cybersecurity regulations. Navigating these regulations can be complex and time-consuming, particularly for smaller companies.
  • Technological change: The IT sector is characterized by rapid technological change, which can be both an opportunity and a challenge. Companies must constantly adapt to new technologies and business models in order to stay competitive.
  • Cybersecurity threats: The increasing reliance on technology and the rise of cyber threats have made cybersecurity a major concern for companies in the IT sector. Protecting against cyber-attacks can be complex and costly.

Overall, the IT industry in France faces a number of challenges, but it also offers significant opportunities for professionals and companies looking to work in a dynamic and innovative environment.

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