Export Mongolia 2020: Opportunities in Europe?

On 15 and 16 December Export International Trade Center NGO together with its sponsors organizes “Export Mongolia 2020” an international e-forum & virtual expo to discuss business and investment opportunities along the Silk Road.
Export Mongolia 2020: Opportunities in Europe?

Export Mongolia 2020: Opportunities in Europe?

On 15 and 16 December Export International Trade Center NGO together with its sponsors organizes “Export Mongolia 2020” an international e-forum & virtual expo to discuss business and investment opportunities along the Silk Road. During this event, NextSales will be doing 2 presentations:

  • Quality standards, guarantee schemes for export to EU countries
  • Best export practices and international market opportunities

Mongolia offers a wealth of export products. We will be discussing the following Mongolian export products:

  • Cashmere and wool (sheep, camel, yak)
  • Leather products
  • Food products
  • IT Outsourcing

Quality standards & guarantee schemes for export to EU countries

During our presentation about quality standards and guarantee schemes at Export Mongolia 2020: Opportunities in Europe, we will address the following topics:

  • Access to Markets
  • Import requirements (food, leather, cashmere, outsourcing)
  • Taxes
  • Warranty requirements, who guarantees
  • GDPR
  • Quality standards
  • Consumer rights

Best export practices and international market opportunities

  • Developments in Europe for food, leather, cashmere, outsourcing (opportunities)
  • Market Research
  • Strategy and plan how to approach a market
  • Logistics
  • Way of doing business in Europe (Language, Culture)
  • Rules & regulations
  • Investors

These are topics we will touch on during this presentation.

Interested in your potential within the European market?

We are happy to support Export Mongolia 2020 with our knowledge and insight in the European market.

NextSales is committed to delivering value to its customers. Instead of promising the world and having clients end up with nothing, we want our client engagements to be geared for success. For this reason we want both our clients and us to have an informed start.

An informed start means that we start with a Market Scan. The outcome of a Market Scan gives you insight in:

  • Which organizations are relevant and important and what are the challenges?
  • A list of potential customers/partners in that market
  • Competition (and your competitive position)
  • Your message to the relevant Decision Making Unit (DMU)
  • Marketing Tools needed
  • Pricing information (market, competition)

If you are about to start on the European market, your first step should be a Market Scan!

More information about a Market Scan?

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