Lead Generation for Crosscheck

Crosscheck networks is the world leader for “API (Application Programming Interface) testing”, Simulation and “Gateway technology”. NextSales will set-up meetings with prospects in- and outside the Netherlands.
Client Crosscheck - Lead Generation, Benelux

Lead Generation for Crosscheck

Under the “Lead Generation for Crosscheck” agreement, NextSales will set-up meetings with prospects in- and outside the Netherlands. With support of our Ambassador Network we will reach-out to the relevant target group.

The delivery of solutions resulting from appointments is provided by Crosscheck.

About Crosscheck

Crosscheck networks is the world leader for “API (Application Programming Interface) testing”, Simulation and “Gateway technology”.

Crosscheck products are delivered to over 50,000 client networks worldwide.

Extensive API testing includes functional automation, performance, compliance and security testing. It uses patented dynamic mutation technology. The virtualization of API Services enables “point-and-click” API simulated behavior and response and profiling of performance.
Gateway technology enables “point-and-click” API Access Control, “Single Sign On” and is very secure.

Crosscheck networks has achieved a 99% customer satisfaction for more than 10 years.

Target of our Lead Generation for Crosscheck assignment is to give prospects the opportunity to get acquainted with Crosscheck and experience the difference .

What is Lead Generation?

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