B2B Event – Challenges for Service Desks and Contact Centers now and in the future

On 21 May 2019, Innovaway organizes two round table sessions with the theme “Challenges for Service Desks and Contact Centers now and in the future!”
NextSales Client for Sales Outsourcing: Innovaway

B2B Event - Challenges for Service Desks and Contact Centers now and in the future

The technology to support customer contacts improves at a high pace. The expectations surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI), Omni-Channel (Social Media Channels), Big Data, etcetera, are high-tensioned, but….

  • How fast are these technologies deployed in a multilingual environment?
  • Does the technology fit in environments where quality prevails over price?
  • Through which migration path do I bring in the technology in my processes?

These are just a few questions that will arise during the introductory conference with Innovaway at the residency of the Italian Ambassador to the Netherlands in The Hague.

On 21 May 2019, Innovaway organizes two round table sessions with the theme “Challenges for Service Desks and Contact Centers now and in the future!” Innovaway is an Italian IT Service Provider that distinguishes itself by the availability of 27 (mother-tongue) languages in the execution of its customer contracts.

These contracts concern both Service Desk and Contact Center agreements where quality and flexibility are paramount. Many companies will agree that they think the same, but that price is not entirely irrelevant.

For this reason Innovaway follows the technical developments around the Service Desk closely.

If you, like Innovaway, are involved in decisions around these developments for your Service Desk or Contact Center, we cordially invite you to participate in this B2B Event!

Innovaway and NextSales

To support its further growth in the Benelux area (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg), Innovaway has contracted NextSales to develop their business. As part of this Sales Outsourcing engagement, we organize these B2B Events (round table).

B2B Events?

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