Our 10 year anniversary

February 1st marked the day of our 10 year anniversary! NextSales was founded on February 1st in 2011. Our idea was to support companies with Sales & Marketing in Europe. To celebrate this happy occasion we will share our knowledge and expertise by performing a free Market Scan every quarter.

February 1st marked the day of our 10 year anniversary

NextSales was founded on February 1st in 2011. Our idea was to support companies with Sales & Marketing in Europe. As in many companies, the day of our foundation was also the day we started to grow and improve our offering.

Looking back

Our original offering started with Lead Generation, Sales Outsourcing and providing clients with interim staff. Our main targets at that time were IT and HighTech firms.

We landed some great clients, but also some clients that didn’t think through their offering. They had a lot of drive, but were not in touch with the market. It’s easy to put some numbers on a spreadsheet or powerpoint. Getting these numbers in reality is a completely different thing:

People and clients in Europe are not the same as in the US:

  • Just the fact that something is technologically possible doesn’t sweep us of our feet.
  • We want to see the benefits compared to what we are doing right now.
  • We don’t like change that much.

This brought us to supporting our clients with a Market Scan. A Market Scan gives our clients insight in how their proposition will land in a specific Country or region. Amongst other things, it gives insight in the competition, pricing, messaging and marketing tools needed. Nowadays, to avoid waisting time and money from both our clients and from ourselves, we start every engagement with a Market Scan.

Another thing we realized, was the foundation of our NextSales Ambassador Network in 2015. Our Ambassadors are people share their knowledge, experience and network relationships with us, creating both a think tank and a group of well connected influencers.

Today NextSales offers a wide variety of services to support our clients in building and growing their business all over Europe.

Win a Market Scan

2021 will be dedicated to our 10 year anniversary. To celebrate this happy occasion we will share our knowledge and expertise by performing a free Market Scan every quarter.

If you want to have a chance at a Market Scan, please use the button below and fill in the necessary details.

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