Last week we reached Switzerland

A few months ago, we already registered 125 Ambassadors in our network (Germany entered the network) and since last week, as you can read in the headline of this article, the first Ambassador from Switzerland has connected to the network.
NextSales Ambassador Network reached Switzerland

NextSales Ambassador Network : Last week we reached Switzerland

In 2015 we started with a new concept. We took the original idea of business social media platforms like LinkedIn and Xing (create a network with people you really know and trust to create leads for each other) and went one step further. We created a network with people who support you in building and developing your business: the NextSales Ambassador Network. Today we celebrate another milstone: Last week we reached Switzerland!

NextSales Ambassadors have built their experience in business, defense or government agencies. They have functions in general management, audit, procurement, IT or as a (senior) military officer. Next to their knowledge and experience, they bring an extensive network. What binds them is that they find pleasure in evaluating propositions, sharpening them and introducing them in their network (in person).

The NextSales Ambassador Network started small, but quickly grew to a large network in which our personal relations wanted to join.

1 year after the introduction, we reached the milestone of 75 Ambassadors (mainly in the Netherlands and Belgium).

A few months ago, we already registered 125 Ambassadors in our network (Germany entered  the network) and since last week, as you can read in the headline of this article, the first Ambassador from Switzerland has connected to the network.

Why would a client need the NextSales Ambassador Network?

In the Netherlands and large parts of the European continent, Business Development and Sales for complex services and products relies on trust between client and supplier. Of course, your prospects will use the internet to create a first insight in potential suppliers. Still if selling your proposition relies on trust: Trust is built between people!

The NextSales Ambassador Network supports building a relationship through a personal introduction into their network.

NextSales Ambassadors hold the key to open doors that otherwise would remain closed.

Why become a NextSales Ambassador?

As NextSales Ambassador, you use your experience, knowledge and network to support our customers in building and growing their business. That is: only if you see the added value of our clients proposition.

During your career, you have built extensive knowledge and experience and are willing to invest some time to support our clients in the development and marketing of their services.

You become part of a network with people who have (or held) positions in general management, audit, procurement, IT or as military officer.

We give you the opportunity to get to know companies and their services in an unbiased way during our Ambassador Workshops. You get to meet fellow Ambassadors during Ambassador Meetings.

We offer an earning model, but the most important thing is that you only have to participate in things you enjoy!

As we see it, our growth is only at the beginning. In addition to the Netherlands, we now also have a number of Ambassadors in Belgium, Germany and the first in Switzerland.

Ultimately, we want to expand our network throughout continental Europe. To support our growth we have developed our NextSales Ambassador website. This website gives our Ambassadors access to information (videos and documents) about our clients and their propositions.

Want to become a NextSales Ambassador?

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